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Hilton Hotema

The Pre-Existence of Man -- Hilton Hotema -- 1956

The Pre-Existence of Man -- Hilton Hotema -- 1956

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This is an overview of the world's most important ancient knowledge. It begins with a brief summary of our knowledge within all of the major scientific fields, then explains why this great knowledge falls short. Science explains the processes of life and what we know of its origins and mechanisms. The author brings this knowledge to another level by explaining how a pre-existent, spiritual structure exists as a foundation for science. He shows what is missing in our pursuit toward a complete understanding of life on the earth, including human life itself. We are shown how the process of nature involves the movement of all elements and life from the invisible realms into the visible and back again, in an eternal process of construction and destruction. This explains the wonders of Creation, which mankind has been pondering for centuries. According to the author, you, the reader, would never have come into this physical existence unless you had previously been in the invisible world first. He explains how this mysterious power exists within us, and how we may one day be able to tap into it. Woven into the fabric of this book is a tapestry of ancient knowledge, reintroduced in order to remind us of the spiritual truths that we have lost. We are also shown exactly how we lost this ancient wisdom and how Christianity was born. It explains how the priesthood of Rome created a New Religion in the fourth century, which became Christianity as we know it today. The author claims that this religion is, in large part, based on legends of gods from India, Egypt, Greece, and Asia Minor, with much of the ancient knowledge having been intentionally destroyed or assimilated into the Bible itself. According to the author, much of the story of Jesus is sourced from the Greek historian Damis-which few scholars are aware of today. The work of Damis centers around his master Apollonius, who had taught and preserved this ancient wisdom. This book does well to explain the lost knowledge of the ancients and one will come away with a more complete understanding of human life and our true place in the universe. 

Written by Hilton Hotema in 1956. 92 Pages
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