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Odd Enough Books

The Library of Health Vol. 1 -- Charlies Brodie Patterson -- 1899

The Library of Health Vol. 1 -- Charlies Brodie Patterson -- 1899

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James Allen (author of As a Man Thinketh) reviewed this book, saying:
The author, Charles Brodie Patterson as joint editor with Emery McLean, of the leading New Thought journal, Mind, is a man of great weight in the New Thought Movement, and in these able essays on Health, he deals with man in his threefold aspect of body, soul and spirit, regarding him as a preeminently spiritual and mental, rather than physical being. He therefore deals with spiritual and mental laws, processes, and methods of cure, rather than physical, and deals extensively with health of mind as a primary factor in health of body. Vol. II. deals much with mental principles, vol. III. with spiritual, and the wide scope and value of the work may be inferred when it is remembered that such subjects as "The Crucifixion," "Hidden Mysteries," "The Elements of Success," and "I am The Resurrection and The Life," are dealt with.

Chapters include:
The Crucifixion
The Spiritual Man
Christian Theory and Practice
Hidden Mysteries
Spiritual Growth
The Soul's Dominion
All Life is One Life
Health: How Attained
The Kingdom of Heaven
The Elements of Success
The Power of Good
New Thought Idea of Prayer
The Treasures of Life
What is Spiritual Science?
The Power and Scope of Spiritual Science in Daily Life


Written by Charles Brodie Patterson in 1899. 205 Pages. 

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