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Odd Enough Books

Steps in Spiritual Unfoldment — Frances W. Foulks — 1929

Steps in Spiritual Unfoldment — Frances W. Foulks — 1929

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It is only when man becomes satiated with 
the material, satiated through the experi-
ences which have come to him from follow-
ing the emotions, the intellect, from seeking
in the outer for satisfaction, that he turns
within and there realizes that which leads
him to say: "I will arise and go to my Fa-
ther." It is only when all that he has put
first in his search for happiness proves to
be but the husks of life, that he turns from
these to follow the path which the soul, all
through the ages, has urged upon him as the
only true way to satisfaction. This is the
beginning of spiritual unfoldment, for it
marks a point where the desire and search
for pleasures and things and people gives
way to a hunger and thirst after righteous-
ness: It marks a time of an emptying and a
rilling, a letting go and a taking hold, of
a tearing out of the very foundation of the
old house on the sands, and a rebuilding on
the rock of Jesus Christ.

Written by Frances W. Foulks in 1929. 

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