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Odd Enough Books

Freeing Our Mental Forces — Marie Winchell Walker — 1925

Freeing Our Mental Forces — Marie Winchell Walker — 1925

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The millions that make up the masses of mankind
bare every right to demand of psychology laws clear
said workable for human development.
Psyebo-analysis, that fascinating and practical angle
of payebology, has, for the most part, been presented
to the publie in high sounding, scientific terms not
understood by the average man. He looks upon this
ww science as being intricate and beyond his grasp,
when as a matter of fact, psycho-analysis is easily com-
probended. It deals with the everyday affairs of life,
such as lore, painful emotions, family quarrels, etc.
Why not present it in simple terms that a layman can

This is what we have endeavored to do in preparing
this book. We have aimed to present this stupendous
science in plain English, illustrating the principles with
actual eases from our own experience as an analyst.
A great purpose has been to help the reader to realize
that be possesses a reserve of energy both mental and
spiritual, and to point the way whereby he may free
this energy for high and practical purposes of life.

Written by Marie Winchell Walker in 1925. 

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