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Odd Enough Books

Dominion and Power or The Science of Life and Living — Charlies Brodie Patterson — 1910

Dominion and Power or The Science of Life and Living — Charlies Brodie Patterson — 1910

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Charles Brodie Patterson (1854-1917) was a leading New Thought publisher, author, and editor. He wrote in the Preface to this 1901 book [revised again in 1910]: "This little book is written with the fervent desire, on the part of the writer, to throw some light on the way of life; or perhaps better still, to call into conscious existence latent powers of being that are resident in the soul of 'every man that cometh into the world.' If it fulfils this object to one or to many souls, it has accomplished its mission." (Pg. vii-viii) (NOTE: Page references are to the 297-page 1910 Funk & Wagnalls hardcover edition.)

He states, "Everything of value is within the realm of spirit, and we can get therefrom whatever we wish. We must get mental and physical health in the right way---through the recognition and development of our soul qualities." (Pg. 23-24) He suggests, "Let us hold clearly in mind this thought: EVERYTHING IS GOOD. Let us consider the universe as a perfect whole composed of many parts, each part having its perfect office... harmony is, after all, the key-note of existence." (Pg. 31)

He argues, "Does the law of God change? No: the law is eternal and unchanging, but man's perception of it changes." (Pg. 34) He adds, "In reality there is neither sin, sickness, nor death." (Pg. 35) Later, he asserts, "Very few people have thought that their desires, whether true or false, have had much, if anything, to do with their physical well-being, and yet there is no question but that desire formed in mind begins at once its beneficial or harmful action." (Pg. 116)

He cautions, "Mesmerism has been called the key to occult sciences, but beware of the key; have nothing to do with it. God never intended that one soul should control another. Freedom is written in every law of nature." (Pg. 90-91)

People interested in 19th and early 20th century New Thought may enjoy this book.

Written by Charles Brodie Patterson in 1910. 297 Pages. 

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