Collection: C.C. Zain

C. C. Zain is the pen name used by Elbert Benjamine (1882-1951), the noted astrologer, naturalist and occultist, for those writings done under the auspices of The Brotherhood of Light during the years 1914 - 1934. This body of knowledge has become known as The Brotherhood of Light Lessons.

Elbert Benjamine was one of the most prolific astrological writers of the 20th century. In addition to the twenty-three volumes of the Brotherhood of Light series published under the penname C. C. Zain, Benjamine also wrote over fifty books and hundreds of magazine articles. 

A scholar who mastered every physical science of his time, Benjamine brought the same vigor to his exploration of the metaphysical sciences. Like the writings of Bailey, Blavatsky, Steiner, and Heindl, the works of C. C. Zain (Elbert Benjamine) have impacted the lives of thousands of students of Western Occultism.



Elbert Benjamine was born Benjamin P. Williams in the small town of Adel, Iowa, December 12, 1882. He was a natural psychic and seer. 

In his youth, his heightened awareness brought him into contact with those who had passed from this plane to the next. In the autumn of 1898, he began his esoteric studies.

 By 1900 he had contacted The Brotherhood of Light and began serious study of astrology. His father was a doctor and deacon in the Disciples of Christ church in Iowa, where the community strongly disapproved of any interest in astrology and the occult.

For this reason, upon moving to Los Angeles, he changed his name to Elbert Benjamine in order to protect his family. In the spring of 1910 he gave his promise to write the Twenty-One Brotherhood of Light Courses covering astrology, alchemy and magic, under the penname of C. C. Zain.

Zain rose to prominence in the Brotherhood of Light and wrote many of its practical lessons. In 1915 he moved to Los Angeles where he founded the Church of Light and lectured and wrote on occultism.

From that time until his death in 1951, he devoted his life’s energy and personal resources to writing the lessons, and to establishing The Church of Light as a vehicle for disseminating The Brotherhood of Light teachings.


Books Published under the name C. C. Zain:

The Brotherhood of Light 21 Courses

CS01 Laws of Occultism

CS02 Astrological Signatures

CS03 Spiritual Alchemy

CS04 Ancient Masonry

CS05 Esoteric Psychology

CS06 The Sacred Tarot

CS07 Spiritual Astrology

CS08 Horary Astrology

CS09 Mental Alchemy

CS10-1 Natal Astrology: Delineating the Horoscope

CS10-2 Natal Astrology: Progressing the Horoscope

CS11 Divination & Character Reading

CS12-1 Natural Alchemy: Evolution of Life

CS12-2 Natural Alchemy: Evolution of Religion

CS13 Mundane Astrology

CS14 Occultism Applied

CS15 Weather Predicting

CS16 Stellar Healing

CS17 Cosmic Alchemy

CS18 Imponderable Forces

CS19 Organic Alchemy

CS20 The Next Life

CS21 Personal Alchemy

Books Published under the name Elbert Benjamine:

Astrodyne Manual

Astrological Lore of All Ages

Beginner Horoscope Maker and Reader

How to Select a Vocation

Progressed Aspects of Standard Astrology

Research Cyclopedia - Volume 1 and 2

When and What Events Will Happen - With Statistical Analysis of 2000 Charts Progressed to Time of Events

C.C. Zain

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