Is your Cosmic Tuner Working?

Is your Cosmic Tuner Working?

Within us all is a tuner which sets the resonate frequency for the individual and their immediate surroundings, first from within, then to without — like a stone and it’s causal ripples in a body of water.
The human organism was designed to Love — a high vibrational physical expression of God bridging 4D (thoughts) to 3D (actions.)
The contemporary dystopian quo suggests that everything is awful, going to shit, falling apart, et al. and that cheaply-facaded / corporate cartoonish colorations of overindulgence, fear, confusion, disrespect, anger, hate, greed, and lust are the only viable remedies to this manufactured malaise we are living with. 🤦
Housing lower vibrational expressions for extended periods of space/time shall, like clockwork, prove detrimental to the meat suit occupied by the lower-minded soul, no matter the resources available.
To meditate is to be immersed in a bath of tranquility within the temple of thine own mind, far and away from the maddening crowds and the calamitous rackets brought on by pocket-pooled politicians and petrochemical pill-pushing pimps — positive mental hygiene is invaluable to the empath in times of duress.
With all of this in mind, a fundamental goal should be to maintain a view of life that is of a higher perspective so as to never allow for impulsive reactionary emotions to compel One to create exponential causal effects (karma,) costing the individual years and slowing spiritual/physical progress.
To put it simple, because I’m not being paid by the word here, and because words only ever get in the way:
Choose Love not Fear, and don’t be a dick!
Thank you for existing!
C.K. Lee
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